Case Study
Thomas Jefferson University & Hospitals
Established in 1825, Jefferson stands as a staple for healthcare and education in Center City Philadelphia. With over 1.3 million outpatient visits per year and 10,000 full & part time faculty and staff, Jefferson serves as a hub supporting the local community.
After a thorough analysis & evaluation, Antos was able to identify the operational variables and staff behavior that was occurring and create a baseline to measure progress. After working with administrators to address policy & procedure adjustments, Antos created an educational campaign, integrated into the staff training module and began working to create a shift in behavior. On the backend, it was evident that the current process of segregation, disposal and operating sterilization equipment was inefficient.
Antos worked with facilities and sourcing to reengineer the space and workflow to better manage & maintain each waste stream, while reducing operating needs & costs. As the organization continued to grow, the team was able to leverage new system waste contracts and provide service improvements at reduced cost. Our combined efforts resulted in creating one of the lowest waste-generating facilities for a health organization in the Greater Philadelphia Region (under 2lbs per adjusted patient day) with a firm understanding of how to manage the waste stream and maximize efficiencies.